
July 12, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

It's always such a pleasure when photography brings someone back into my life that I haven't seen in years.  I am so honored that Elizabeth brought her little man into the studio and allowed me to capture some really great images of her gorgeous little boy.  I had been wanting to photograph this child since he was born, and you will know why when you see the ridiculous cuteness ahead. 


A big thanks to Kelli for purchasing this photo shoot as a gift to Liam (well more for his parents haha), what a wonderful way to celebrate his very 1st birthday.  Happy Birthday Liam, and I hope to be able to continue to capture your milestones as you grow!!


Although it was extremely hard to narrow it down and pick a few favorites for this blog I think I did it.  Enjoy this little man's cuteness...I sure did!



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