Aislynn + Nick

May 11, 2018  •  3 Comments

I had been anticipating this engagement session with Aislynn and Nick since the day Aislynn asked me to photograph her wedding.  I knew heading in that this was going to be a fun, magical shoot, and I sure was right!!


I have known these two for most of my life.  I watched them conquer triumphs and tribulations together, and got to witness their relationship grow.  They are passionate individuals who together form a strength that is unstoppable.  They make each other laugh daily, and are genuinely kind, in so many ways.  It may have taken twenty-something years for them to realize that they are indeed soulmates, but once they figured it out, they became inseparable.


A funny fact that a lot of people don't know is that this little union was made possible (well maybe just nudged along haha) by YOURS TRULY!!  It was a beautiful, fun night at the Buchanan's Tiki Bar, when these two souls, who had known each other for pretty much their entire lives, finally realized what had been right in front of them the entire time, and I take full responsibility!!  ...  HaHa ... not really, but I did say to Nick, "Hey, you know Aislynn is single?"  To which he responded.. "REALLY??" with excitement all over his face.  So, there it is, my matchmaking debut and retirement!!  :-)


In all seriousness, I am so genuinely happy for these two.  They love with all their hearts, each other, their fur-babies, their family, and their friends.  Aislynn and Nick are one of those couples that just fit, and it was beyond apparent as we strolled through Batsto Village on this perfectly beautiful evening we had been waiting for.  Big thanks to Kelly for second shooting with me, and capturing some amazing moments as well.  I literally edited this entire session with a HUGE smile on my face, and I hope as you scroll through you will feel the joy and love that pours out of each of these images.


Congrats on your engagement Aislynn and Nick.  I cannot wait for the big day!!





Eileen E Roth(non-registered)
These Photos are stunning, two beautiful models and two talented photographers,. What a lovely way to run a business.

Aislynns' Grandmother Eileen
Michele B. Roth(non-registered)
Edit last comment: Nick & Aislynns love has been captured beautifully by you, Jess & Kelly. Thank you for your artistic & creative eye.
Michele B. Roth(non-registered)
Wow, Jess & Kelly, these pictures capture JICK & Aislyyns love to the T.
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